Biological Decoding Discovery Day – EN – Zoom
Biodecoding Advisor
If you’ve ever wondered how and why people get sick, or repeatedly face illnesses, whether minor or serious, while intuitively sensing that there might be something deeper than just “chance” or “fate”…
If you’d like to know about practical tools (complementary to medical care) to help yourself or others transition from illness to health, from discomfort to stability…
Then come and discover, over the course of a day, what biological decoding is.
This new approach to therapy and health connects our symptoms with our emotional experiences and suggests using our deep feelings to influence our biology.
How, when, and why does it work?
How do you acquire the therapeutic tools of Biological Decoding?
How can these tools be combined with other therapeutic approaches, or how can one simply become a therapist in biological decoding?
This introductory day will answer all these questions, along with any others you may have about Biological Decoding therapy and the training to become a therapist.
We look forward to welcoming many of you.
A true personal adventure and skill acquisition, the “Advisor” cycle is a certified training program designed for health professionals, as well as for anyone without a medical background but interested in helping others and promoting well-being.
It is also for those who seek personal well-being, allowing them to progress on their own personal development journey and acquire tools for daily life.