His journey
Christian Flèche has a paramedical background, with a degree in nursing. He comes not from the world of psychology, but from that of biology: the functioning of the human body, and illnesses, are a metaphor for our needs, our emotions and our life experiences.
Through encounters with Marc Fréchet, the work of M. Erickson and elements borrowed from Hamer, Christian Flèche has developed a way of listening to symptoms that is biological, cyclical and trans-generational.
Together with Philippe Lévy, he has created new protocols, making Biological Decoding ™ an original method of emotional diagnosis, as well as a new form of Brief Therapy. He is an NLP Master Practitioner, Metaphor Practitioner, author of numerous books, 2 audio CDs.
Le Souffle d’Or has published several of Christian Flèche books: “Mon corps pour me guérir”; (30,000 copies sold), “Décodage biologique des maladies”; (27,000 copies sold).
He created Biological Decoding in 1993, and has been a trainer since March 1994. Today, he is the Educational Director of the French School of B.D.: "Bio Décodage Pratique ®" and of the International School of B.D.: Santé Libre.
Le Souffle d’Or has published several of Christian Flèche books: “Mon corps pour me guérir”; (30,000 copies sold), “Décodage biologique des maladies”; (27,000 copies sold).

He no longer offers consultations but places all his trust in the numerous therapists he has trained and qualified.
He continues to evolve this wonderful technique with new ideas and new protocols
He continues to lead the Biodecoding School on an educational and human level